Water soluble cbd RSS

Recently we came across a brilliant tool for schools released by the ADHD Foundation regarding changing the way this form of Neurodiversity is supported within schools an colleges. It was such a popular post that we thought we'd share it with you! If you know of someone, of any age, that has ADHD or suspected ADHD then I would highly recommend you read this as it applies to both adults and children.  Having had experience both personally and professionally regarding this way of thinking it's a really good read and although schools have come along way it may be worth sharing...

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When Charlie and I started The Canni Family back in May 2018 we had a small range of CBD products that included a 25% classic oil that sold for £98.95. We sold a lot of this product to customers who were looking for a stronger dose of CBD, however it was costly and after about a year we learnt that taking the oil under the tongue led to a 40-60% level of wastage.  Why is there so much wastage with CBD oil? Regular CBD oil products and cannabinoids are fat soluble and are mainly degraded by the stomach if it...

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Everywhere you go the CBD craze seems to have taken hold and is now available in your local coffee house who are offering to add it to your ‘usual’! But this fad is a waste of good CBD and here’s why….. What you may not realise is that by putting it directly into your cuppa every element of the Cannabis/CBD extract will be neutralised. Not only does the heat from the drink do this but the oil is meant to be taken under the tongue for a reason, because when you take it sublingually, for approximately 3 minutes, the vein under...

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