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We recently had the pleasure of listening to a talk on Medicinal Mushrooms at the Kinesiology Association conference by an expert who has written many books on the benefits of eating mushrooms daily. So we decided that we should take his advice and try out some new recipes that brought together Mushrooms and our new CBD Honey. INGREDIENTS 1 x Whole Chicken 2 x Lemons unwaxed 100g x Dried mixed oriental mushrooms 400g x Fresh whole chestnut mushrooms  2 tbls of Soy Sauce 1 tbls of Fish Sauce 2 tbls of Coconut oil (vegetable oil is also find to use) 3 cloves...

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We have decided to try out some recipes which enable you to incorporate CBD  into your cooking. The first of 2020 is our newly created Blue Cheese and Walnut Salad with CBD honey dressing (great way to use up that bit of cheese hanging about after Christmas)  INGREDIENTS - (as much or as little as you want) Walnuts - broken up  Blue Cheese Mixed Salad leaves Avocado Balsamic or alternative vinaigrette dressing  Salt and Pepper CBD honey - the total star of the show! Optional - Bacon and Chicken which we added but not for everyone! METHOD So simple and definitely not rocket science!...

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