Cannabis oil legal RSS

Now if Carlsberg did referendums then surely they would resemble the forthcoming one soon to be held in New Zealand on the legalisation of cannabis use for any purpose and End of Life choice. On the 17th of October 2020 the citizens of New Zealand will be asked to vote on these two contentious political and social subjects. Unlike the UK referendum which lead to confusion and a feeling by a large majority that they were not getting the outcomes they felt they voted for, New Zealand has decided to base their referendum on clear facts (rather than political posturing). This evidence and in-depth information...

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Cannabis/CBD oil doesn’t get you ‘high’, products that contain only this cannabinoid are considered legal in the UK and most countries world-wide. It’s THC—the part that gets you high—which is illegal and whilst all Cannabis oil contains trace amounts of THC they are within the legal limits, which is below 0.2%. Does Cannabis/CBD oil show up on drugs tests? The answer is no it won’t show up on any drug tests. When you take a drug test the aim is to detect THC in your body not “cannabis.” If you possessed marijuana without any THC in it, technically you wouldn’t be...

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