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ADHD, My Son and Me. 10 things I wish I hadn't worried about and the 4 valuable lessons I’ve learnt! (Updated March 2025!)
Nothing prepares you for the potentially triggering experience of having your first child and nothing more so than if they appear to have unusual traits from a very young age. When you have a child who is a bit ‘different’ you can’t help but get anxious on their behalf. Will they be happy, will they make friends, will they fit it and so on. Our son who is now 7 was ‘diagnosed’ with Neuro-Diversity (namely ADHD) two years ago and with hindsight (such a wonderful thing I know!) I can look back now at the things I got anxious about...
Why should I care about Independent Product Lab Reports for CBD products?
1. Over 80% of CBD products tested in the UK did not contain the correct level of CBD! The Daily Mail carried out undercover product analysis of a wide range of UK CBD products and the vast majority either contained a lot less CBD than advertised or no CBD at all.Independent Lab reports show you exactly how much CBD is present in each product when combined with other cannabinoids. 2. You could be buying an illegal product! Many of the products tested contained high levels of THC (the bit that gets you high) which means you could be buying something...
CBD and the Menopause — Does it work and if so how?
The endocannabinoid system is a collection of cell receptors, called cannabinoid receptors, in the brain, other organs, and tissues throughout the body. This system plays an important role in menopause, and CBD affect the way that it works. In theory, this means that CBD could influence the effects of menopause on the body. Cannabinoid receptors are involved in: mood regulation the functioning of the immune system pain sleep memory fertility and reproduction temperature regulation One theory is that a poorly functioning endocannabinoid system can lead to various health conditions. By influencing the function of the endocannabinoid system, chemicals like CBD may help...
Are you looking to support someone with ADHD?
Recently we came across a brilliant tool for schools released by the ADHD Foundation regarding changing the way this form of Neurodiversity is supported within schools an colleges. It was such a popular post that we thought we'd share it with you! If you know of someone, of any age, that has ADHD or suspected ADHD then I would highly recommend you read this as it applies to both adults and children. Having had experience both personally and professionally regarding this way of thinking it's a really good read and although schools have come along way it may be worth sharing...
Should I take CBD daily and why?
We get asked this question a lot so we thought we would share the reasons why it is a good idea to take it daily: 1) Food supplements take time to build up in the system CBD has been classified as a food supplement in the UK, as such no reputable CBD brand should make any health claims in relation to their product range (even though most do!) However the same bioavailability (how it reaches your blood stream) rules apply! We always recommend that you take CBD for a minimum of two weeks but ideally take the whole product over...
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