Could this be a viable option to address our homeless crisis?
Two months ago my husband Charlie O'Sullivan (aka Mr Canni) told me about an idea he had to turn this disused warehouse which hadn't been touched since the 60's, into a temporary homeless shelter with the owner's, Mark Fitzpatrick, permission. I didn't fully appreciate at the time that this was going to be the first of its kind that would be considered 'legal' if he could make it happen.
Fast forward two months and whilst it hasn't been plain sailing it has just been signed off as safe to open its doors to 15 guests and up to 60 if we have any more snow.
An army of volunteers and organisations such as Street Kitchen have rallied round, as well as the local community, via Nextdoor, to deck this place out with a fully functioning kitchen, toilets, showers electrics and so much more. With committed funding from the GLA and local councils, donations have been flooding in of cloths, rugs, food, bedding, sofas, fridges and even a candle which looks like a Bakewell tart!
Here is the most recent article and we hope there will be more to come now that it is going to be officially opened.
Whilst I have been on the sidelines of this project, I have been truly touched and impressed at how everyone has rallied together and it just proves people want to help and will when they know how!
On the left is Charles O'Sullivan whose idea this was and on the right is Mark Fitzpatrick the warehouse owner and yes that is JC in the middle, when they got the chance to tell him all about this pilot and we only hope that it might become one part of the much needed solution to address our every growing homelessness crisis. Check out the video of the project here
At the Canni Family we always said we wanted to do more than sell Cannabis oil we hoped to have a social impact as individuals and eventually as a business. Well the Canni Hound has done his bit as a Therapy dog so Mrs Canni better get on with her bit now......to be continued.
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