Could the legalisation of Cannabis for recreational use in the UK provide tax income to fill the COVID deficit?

Could the legalisation of Cannabis for recreational use in the UK provide tax income to fill the COVID deficit?

The Canni Family have always advocated that whatever your opinion on Cannabis, if it were to be made legal it would not only ensure the safety of consumer as the product would be tested and regulated but it would also bring in substantial revenue to the UK economy which is desperately needed post-COVID.

The following letter was written to the Prime Minster by Victor Hamilton of Beel Close, Portland and was published in the Dorset Echo. Although Victor's calculations could do with further defining, we believe it it provides an interesting initial idea for legalising Cannabis in the UK and the potential financial impacts we could expect to see. 


I have heard you say that your government is going to be spending large sums of money on things like school buildings and housing. These are all very much needed and I am sure some of your electorate might believe it, but a great many will be asking where the money is going to come from to do all of these things you are talking about, here is my suggestion.

As a means of gathering in more revenue to the exchequer, I would like to present this idea for consideration. Based on Home Office information, the number of these considered to be regular users of cannabis is 1 in 8 of the population, that being said; I am applying a 1 in 10 rate for simpler maths.

In the borough that Richard Drax represents, 1 in 10 leaves me with a figure of 4 to 6 thousand potential users of cannabis. At the lowest figure it results in a spend of £13 million a year, at the higher rate it is about £16 million a year.

How much would the local population benefit from the new source of tax revenue this could bring to their community? For one the people who could be employed in well paid, secure full-time employment would greatly appreciate it.

Real jobs, not just promises, and could be up and running very quickly if your Government woke up to the reality of this."

Victor we applaud you! Painting by the brilliant James Earley.

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